VISUAL BUSINESS STRATEGY COACHING - Focus: Top managers facing a "supposedly" unsolvable turnaround challenge🤯

VISUAL BUSINESS STRATEGY COACHING  - Focus: Top managers facing a "supposedly" unsolvable turnaround challenge🤯
It was precisely this VISUAL TALENT, the access to this potential of our connected SELF, that enabled me to make my contribution to the world after my 12th birthday: 👉 YouTube Link
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"My VISUAL life experience BEYOND DUAL SEPARATION in the HERE & NOW is a decisive advantage in my coaching. With the inspiration of my VISUAL TALENT (👉Link) we will find the solution to your "supposedly“ unsolvable strategic challenges (> 300 completed strategy projects).

👉Here we can get to know each other online every month for free: Link
👉Do you need a visual solution to your "supposedly" unsolvable professional or private problem today?: Link

3 months VISUAL STRATEGY COACHING for the wonderful Swiss company SwissStop, part of the French Borflex Group - pictured here with my new bike & the very energetic Christian Heule, one of the best mountain bikers in the world for over 10 years.
"I’m more interested in the future than in the past, because the future is where I intend to live."
Albert Einstein

Steve Jobs said very wisely in his famous Stanford speech (link here: 43M views👌) that you should follow your heart ♥️ and intuition ✨on your strategic path into the future, because the strategic logic of your life path only emerges when you look back from the future. Since Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (1905 & 1915) and Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927), we have known that both the dual separation and time only supposedly exist, i.e. both exist in the perception of most people and at the same time neither exists: I myself perceive neither duality nor time - the same was true for Einstein. From my very special visual-connected point of view, it is possible to develop a strategy for you that is characterised by "true transcendent sustainability beyond duality and time". Do you believe in miracles? Then let my visual talent inspire you for your SELF!

IMPORTANT‼️: My visual talent for strategic insights beyond duality and time is exclusively at the service of very challenging strategic projects...:
- which mainly require direct interaction in the here and now (Zoom, FaceTime or presence on site), as this is the optimal playground for my creative visual gift 👉Link
- that create new future-orientated jobs. Why? Only under a secure "family income roof" can children grow up safely and play largely carefree in the playground - in my own childhood, this was the most important foundation stone for my fulfilled life🤸‍♂️💫

After more than 30 years of professional experience, I'd say that your leadership team should be the core galvanising force that leads your employees with wise confidence into a very uncertain future. Besides outstanding social skills (especially empathy), there is a core intellectual competence that distinguishes YOU as a successful leader:

Your ability to think strategically!

The Management Research Group (MRG) studied the leadership practices and effectiveness of 60,000 managers and executives in over 140 countries and 26 industries. They found that, on average, a strategic approach to leadership is ten times more important for effectiveness than other behaviours studied. It was twice as important as communication (the second most important behaviour) and almost 50 times more important than practical tactical behaviours.
Source: Harvard Business Review

Your Benefit

Think about your own life: Isn't it often the inspiring impulse from outside that opens up creative strategic alternatives for you that go far beyond your own thinking? I am talking about immensely valuable, often quite provocative inspirations from a strategy coach with a completely different style of thinking and a growth mindset. My unique talent of VISUAL strategic thinking BEYOND the divisive duality of your thoughts will open up completely new strategic alternatives for you. I promise you that I will crucify your mind to ensure the long-term and sustainable development of your business in line with the probabilities of future scenarios.

I combine my special VISUAL strategic talent (link here) with a classic approach to strategy development, proven in more than 400 international strategy projects for SMEs. This approach was developed together with a major international Swiss bank so that the resulting corporate strategy also contains all the necessary aspects for their financing. I will guide you through the following strategy development process, which I have been privileged to discuss in all facets for almost 30 years with my lifelong mentor & friend, the strategy consultant Klaus Wernigk, to whom I will always be very grateful:

SITUATION 👉Link: Business concept, products, markets, business development, competitive positioning in the strategic triangle, financial performance, capabilities & resources
=> Key questions about current strengths & weaknesses

OUTLOOK 👉Link: Trends of technologies and markets, development of market segments, USPs & success factors, future joint added value generation with key customers, business potentials, required skills and resources, future scenarios and probabilities of occurrence
=> Key challenges in terms of future opportunities and risks

STRATEGY 👉Link: Entrepreneurial vision, strategic issues, strategic control levers, strategic playing field (main creativity techniques: morphological analysis, six thinking hats), strategic alternatives, profit & risk calculation, managerial decision making (brain system 1 & 2), choice of strategy 👉Link, board decision
=> Strategy implementation 👉Link: strategic goal setting, project planning, agile project management, strategic controlling 👉Link

Building on this, I work on very complex strategic challenges with an even more refined Circular "SAMBA" Strategy Development Process - invented by my lifelong mentor Klaus Wernigk - to effectively break through the time complexity of conventional static strategic SWOT analyses. This is also in line with the groundbreaking findings on managerial decision making by Daniel Kahnemann (Nobel Laureate, Princeton University). I explain this approach every month in my international Strategy Q&A via Zoom, link here:
1) Situation: getting to the bottom of the PROBLEMATICS of your own situation
2) Ausblick: taking a joint look into your future with the creative SAMBA strategy tool "SZENORAMA"
3) Möglichkeiten: unfolding the fullness of your strategic possibilities in a joint creative process with the SAMBA strategy tool "STRATEVARI"
4) Beurteilung: creating clarity together through an objective assessment with the help of the rational-intuitive balanced SAMBA strategy tool "OPTIKUM"
5) Auswahl: making the actual choice of your best strategic alternative wholeheartedly

SAMBA: Simple methods + common sense + a spark of non-dual intuition = your sustainable strategy

SAMBA Strategy Development Process visually illustrated, including the caricature of my mentor Klaus Wernigk, by the Swiss cartoonist Nico
Visual Turnaround Coaching
VISUAL Turnaround Coaching BEYOND DUALITY and also BEYOND TIME for "seemingly" unsolvable strategic challenges

From time to time, even your extraordinary turnaround skills hit a wall. Why? 

  • Because the REALITY you want to reshape only "supposedly" has 3 dimensions (>11 Dimensionen), 
  • you are only "supposedly" separated from it (Uncertainty principle)
  • and also because TIME only "supposedly" runs on a linear timeline from your birth to your "supposed" (Theory of relativity). 

My Self experiences life visually in the here & now and has been thinking in a CONNECTING way beyond the "supposedly" separating duality since my childhood - that is also the reason why I am not afraid of death: Link

- that is my talent and also my greatest passion.
  • In the first 30 minutes that we spend online via Zoom, the first solution-orientated facets are interactively designed.
  • Since my childhood I have received inspiring VISUAL SOLUTIONS (👉Link) for highly complex challenges from my "QUANTUM BODY", especially overnight these images continue to develop (Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life (Hardcover) | Harvard Book Store). My nondual visual talent finds the solution to your dual-causally unsolvable challenge through an uninterrupted artistic "HYPERFOCUS" process. This creative process is, as with artists, purely SEQUENTIAL: just as a painter can only cover a new blank canvas with colour once he has completed his current work, so my creative-connected SELF in the background can only devote itself exclusively to ONE visual solution process at a time.
  • One to two days later, we adapt this visual solution to your strategic design space in our final 30-minute interactive process via Zoom.

I only charge you 2 working hours for the visual solution process described above, although my visual talent is dedicated to your task non-stop in an artistic-creative hyperfocus process in the background between our Zoom sessions.

Interested? 📞: +49 173 4970500 daily 13.30-14.00 CET or spontaneously every Friday 13.30-14.00 via Zoom without prior notice:  Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

Michael Bachmann, Partner Witena Executive Search & Leadership Advisory, Witena AG, CH-Zürich 2019
Further Strategic Topics

Following an SME strategy project, I offer further coaching focal points for managers that have a major impact on your profitability: Key Account Management Excellence, Neuro-Marketing, Neuro-Sales & Emotional Boosting and Top Deal Negotiation Technique:

Key Account Management Excellence: Previous to consulting, I trained and coached Key Account Managers for 7 years at the Swiss ZfU International Business School, flyer & topics attached. In recent years I have also been training all facets of modern sales management in 2 part-time Master's programmes at German FAU University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Neuro-Marketing & Neuro-Sales I first trained at the Swiss ZfU International Business School, flyer & topics attached. Since then I have been training this topic for over 10 years as a management trainer in the Master's programme for designers & product managers at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences: Link here

Top Deal Negotiation Technique: I have been offering Negotiation Technique Coaching (including competent appearance and seeing through lies) for almost 10 years. Negotiation is also a main topic in my 4 extra-occupational master seminars at the universities in Nuremberg and Salzburg. In my opinion the best negotiation books can be found here & especially here👌👏

My executive negotiation coaching started as a management trainer for the highly recommended Nasher Negotiation Institute with 3 seminar topics over 3 years: Negotiation Coaching (Deal), Competence Presentation (Convinced!) & Seeing Through Lies (Durchschaut).

Example of one of my two-year Marketing & Sales Excellence Coaching for a Swiss SME holding company. It included monthly turnaround workshops in 2 SMEs of this holding, 12 training days over 2 years for the managers of all 5 SMEs as well as situational 1:1 coaching of the managing directors. Flyer in German attached:

"Ask my SELF"
My monthly global strategy zoom for managers💡💫
BEYOND "Seeing Around Corners - from thinking blockades to VISUAL STRATEGIC INSIGHT

Using my special VISUAL talent (link here), I offer an open & free "Strategy Questions & Answers" in English online via Zoom. You are welcome to drop in without obligation and unannounced. Agenda:

  • First 20 minutes: Presentation of a very simple "construction kit" with which you can SELF-develop your SME strategy together with your executive team.
  • then 40 minutes: Your strategic questions & my VISUAL answers.

You can join me on the 17th of each month from 14.00-15.00 CET (2.00-3.00pm) here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

You can enter our Zoom meeting room until 14.05 CET. If our Zoom meeting cannot take place, you find it here: Next 17.12.

Your participation is completely non-binding and free of charge. You can find my more intensive visual coaching offers under the blue button on the right. If you want to become a "Crowdfunder for the young generation", you can find that in my Bronze membership offer for only €3.30 per month.

Pricing & Contact
"Hans, you should make your pricing success-dependent: Thanks to your tip to renegotiate ALL critical sales prices for OEMs with high power asymmetry during our last turnaround coaching, I saved CHF 1.5 million at my critical SMEs (automotive suppliers) in just 2 months."
Andreas Mitterdorfer, then CEO of Swiss Polygena Holding, my turnaround coaching at Nozag, ROSTA, JESA, PWB & Compounds, 12/2013-9/2015

We negotiate my bilaterally fair hourly rate as your "VISUAL Strategy & Turnaround Leadership Coach“ in our first Zoom video conference depending on 1) your value creation potential (your interest) and 2) the level of exciting challenges in our joint project (my interest). You have no financial risk whatsoever: You remunerate my services exclusively on the basis of your customer satisfaction, i.e. before invoicing YOU evaluate your additional added value after the integration of my visual talent.

You can always reach me by PHONE: 📞 +34 620 611 130 DAILY 13.30-14.00 CET incl. weekends. As a combination of auditory and visual input is ideal for my special gift of VISUAL THINKING(👉Link), I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom every Friday: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment: Every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I very much look forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

My part-time assistant Asunción Esperanza organises my VISUAL Online Coaching Sessions via Zoom in English, German, Spanish and French, which can be booked at any time between 5.00 a.m. CET (Asia) and 10.00 p.m. CET (USA) - globally client-centred and 100% value-added oriented without any risk, as my fee as your VISUAL Strategy Coach depends solely on your complete client satisfaction.
👉 Link Time Difference Calculator

‼️ Are you urgently looking for a solution to your "supposedly" unsolvable professional or private problem❓
It‘s very simple:
  • You can reach me personally on the phone every day, including weekends, between 13.30 and 14.00 CET. I speak fluent English, German, Spanish and French: 📞 +34 620 611 130
  • This, our personal initial consultation (max. 10 minutes please) is completely non-binding and free of charge. Here you can also briefly tell me what kind of unsolvable challenge you are facing. From this point on, my visual gift is already "working on a VISUAL solution" in the background of my being - I have been experiencing this since my earliest childhood, this gift has ALWAYS shown me my wonderful path through my precious life and I have always gratefully followed these visual inspirations - which are centred in my solar plexus
  • In our initial consultation, we also arrange a VISUAL 1:1 coaching appointment via FaceTime, WhatsApp video or Zoom - in very urgent cases even on the same day between 2 and 10 pm CET
  • My remuneration as your visual coach is paid by the minute (€17.23/minute), depending on your customer satisfaction (100%-0%) => My fee = total price per minute multiplied by your customer satisfaction (example: our short visual coaching session lasts 5 minutes and you are 60% satisfied: 60% of 5 * €17.23 = €51.69)
  • YOU calculate my fee YOURSELF depending on our productive coaching minutes and pay me what you consider to be my FAIR fee. You can then simply pay online via the worldwide secure payment service Stripe: 👉 Link
  • My fee for such a short visual coaching session consciously goes to my organisation as a "DONATION" and supports in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
  • Why donate? My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link

📞: +34 620 611 130
YouTube: @HjStephan
LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan

Of course, my visual talent is happy when I can fully focus on "HEARING, SEEING visual solutions and SPEAKING from those visual images". When new clients book me on your proactive referral, I share my earnings from that coaching engagement with you on a 50/50 basis as a thank you for taking on my acquisition. For you as an empathetic, proactive referrer, this is a unique offer: If you successfully recommend me to two new clients after a very satisfying coaching process for you, your own coaching process could be cost-neutral in retrospect.
Become my referral partner🤝❣️
Selected References

„Je suis sûr de la réussite de ce projet et je vous remercie pour votre super travail. Nous aurons les résultats dans quelques mois. En tout ces il y a un énorme enthousiasme. J’espère que nous aurons l’occasion de nous revoir, c’est toujours un grand plaisir d’échanger avec vous.“
Olivier Quintin, Président, BORFLEX Group, 2019

"The seminars with Hansjörg Stephan were top and very inspiring!"
Andreas Mitterdorfer, CEO Polygena Group 2015

"You brought the content across in a refreshing way and confronted our team with good as well as constructive questions, the answers to which will take us even further forward."
Wolfgang Flaitz, Credit Suisse (Switzerland), Head of LSC Groups and Treasury Centers, 2014

"Hansjörg Stephan responds very well to the individual challenges of the participants and convinces with competence and professionalism."
Sandra Graf, Head of Key Account Germany, Marc O'Polo International AG, D-Stephanskirchen, 2013

Cooperation on the topic of "Pricing" with Dr. Georg Tacke, CEO Simon-Kucher & Partners, 2012-2016:

"Hansjörg Stephan is a professional who knows how to convince seminar participants with his excellent understanding of the subject matter and high practical relevance."
Marc Schönholzer, Director National Accounts & Sales, Kelly Services SA (Switzerland), CH-Neuchâtel, 2011

"Very interesting, directly applicable, very likeable. Mr Stephan was not only a trainer and coach, he knows what he is talking about" J.P. Sauer & Sohn GmbH, Isny, 2009

"Recommendable intensive coaching for all those who no longer want to let the potentials in their sales remain dormant."
Hubert Andrejewski, Business and Sales Management, Alutronic Kühlkörpern, D-Halver, 2008

Further references: ApoBank, BASF, Bahlsen, Bayer, Baxter, Beiersdorf, Bison, Bosch, Carl Zeiss, Clariant, Credit Suisse, Continental, Daimler, DHL, Eppendorf, Erdgas Zürich, Eternit, Fresenius, Gebro Pharma, Gigaset, Hayes, Helsana, Kelly Services, Lemmerz, IBM, Kühne & Nagel, Marc O’Polo, Merian, MSC, Nikon, Novartis, Orange, Pfizer, Pisani & Rickertsen, Polygena, Porsche, Postbank, SAP, SBB, Schott, Sensirion, Shimadzu, Stork, Stöbich, Swarowski, Swisscom, Swisslog, Swiss Post, Swiss Travel, TomTec, TMD Friction, T-Online, Villeroy & Boch, Vishay, Webasto, WIR Bank, WMF, Würth, ZDF,...

Selected Management Coachings & Projects since 2001

Business Coach for "Negotiation Techniques", Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher Negotiation Institute, Munich 2014-2017

Management Trainer & Business Coach for "Managerial Decision Making", Advanced Management Program Pfizer 2003-2007

Management Trainer & Business Coach for "Market-Oriented Corporate Management and Marketing Management", University of Mannheim & Homburg & Partner 2000-2007 and VWA Mannheim 2001-2004

Part-time doctoral candidate, Chair of Business-to-Business Marketing, Sales & Pricing, University of Mannheim, 2001-2007, doctoral thesis on "Team Selling in Business-to-Business Relationships", first version completed up to positive evaluation and collaboration on the joint publication of the book "Marketing Management" - Thank you very much, Professor Homburg!

Essence (58 of 222 pages) of my doctoral thesis "TEAM selling in business-to-business relationships: Determinants relevant to success in enabling FLOW at intra-personal level (empowered capabilities), inter-personal level (cross-functional teams) & inter-organisational level (B2B-KAM Business Relationships), Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim, 2001-2007:

Assistance to the project manager & support of the technology strategy advisor, my mentor Klaus Wernigk, in the development project RTA 2000, New Sulzer Diesel AG, CH-Winterthur, preparation of my diploma thesis based on this project "Technology Strategy Development using the Example of Large Diesel Engines" with Prof. Dr. H. G. Gemünden, Technical University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Assessment: Very good, 1992-1993