My visual strategic talent BEYOND the duality of your strategic thinking🧠💫

My visual strategic talent BEYOND the duality of your strategic thinking🧠💫
My nondual visual curious SEEING of our reality has never changed since childhood - my inborn talent looks forward to inspiring you🤸💡💫
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"LIFE has essentially equipped my SELF with 3 CAPABILITIES that I have, by necessity, learned to master almost perfectly: 1) LISTENING to your complex strategic challenges, 2) SEEING VISUAL SOLUTIONS (👉Link) and 3) SPEAKING out of these visual pictures - that's it!“
Hans, ☀Sevilla💃 2024
of Visual Strategy Coaching
The "DESIGN ART" of VISUAL Strategy Executive Coaching - "🖍️as simple as possible, but no simpler💫", Albert Einstein, Source: Shirlaws London, where I learned the ART of VISUAL Strategy Executive Coaching in 2012 with 30 children's crayons - for this I will always be very grateful: Thank you Shirlaws, you are simply great!🖍️�

My Special Talent

I think divergently and non-verbally. In the conversations with my coachees, their words immediately transform into a visual image that I see inside me and that constantly changes during our dialogue. Finding a strategic solution for you is relatively easy for me when I mindfully look at this changing visual picture of your challenging business & life situation that I spontaneously see in myself.

Since childhood I have experienced myself in a nondual connectedness, that is, not clearly separated from "apparently" external people and objects. Most people seem to experience themselves as separate from their environment and consequently often think in dual categories: black or white, right or wrong, me or you, friend or enemy, I am doing this in order to, etc. I feel that my daily nondual experience is the greatest gift in my life.

I have access to a field in which all the valuable experiences of my whole life are stored at the same time. I see this visual field of simultaneity within me and always feel connected to it in my daily here and now. Most people seem to experience themselves on a timeline from birth to death. My timeless awareness is another great gift of my life. Because of this timeless perception, I cannot feel the slightest fear of death. Being born into life is the most wonderful gift for which I am deeply grateful every day!

Michael Bachmann, Partner Witena Executive Search & Leadership Advisory, Witena AG, CH-Zürich 2019

My true SELF is a place connected to everything, which I always perceive at the level of my solar plexus. From this point, I also view the changeable facets of your complex strategic challenges from a visual meta-perspective - just as the samurai Miyamoto Musashi describes the success factor of his "meta-perspective" in his classic guide to strategic action "THE BOOK OF THE FIVE RINGS".

I inspire, you plan & organise…
My VISUAL THANKS go to technological progress & my wonderful dual-operational supporters : iPad Pro, MacBook, Google, Audible, MUBI, Zoom, Chat GPD, Open AI, Midjourney, Synthesia, Perplexity AI, Photoleap, Socratic, ...🙏

The technological development suits my very narrow ability spectrum "1) LISTENING, 2) SEEING inspiring visual solutions in pictures📸 & 3) SPEAKING from these visual solution pictures" very well. I can now have my beloved daily newspaper, the NZZ, read to me. Audible gives me, as a master listener, around 120 hours of listening pleasure a month. Alexa is optimised to read Kindle books to me, which I use intensively every day. In my Strategy Coaching sessions via Zoom, I can largely focus on my nondual visual talent and avoid dual activities as much as possible. My favourite app MUBI provides me with wonderful visual experiences in original language from all over the world on a daily basis....🙏

Yet it used to be quite different: In the first 3 years at grammar school, I was always at risk of being promoted due to my written-verbal limitations in German and English. For years, both teachers strongly advised my father to go to a special school, which he, as the managing director of a road construction company, was fortunately always able to refuse. These teachers were, of course, completely flabbergasted when my maths teacher asked me to teach several students a week at the age of only 13 because of my exceptional VISUAL Mathematical Skills - my first self-earned money.

Nevertheless, my NONDUAL Visual Talent has also very often led to incredulous head-shaking: My MATHS teacher at the Jesuit boarding school Kolleg St. Blasien, Mr Bruchmann, was desperate to know how I had come up with the ingenious mathematical proof that led to the best grade in school, my 1.0 in the maths A-levels. When I said that I had simply SEEN the solution VISUALLY, his interest strangely evaporated. My student friend Florian Zettelmeyer, today one of the most renowned marketing professors in the USA, was surprised at my straight 1.0 in our most difficult PHYSICS exam during our joint undergraduate studies in industrial engineering in Karlsruhe, for which we had prepared together. He said: "You can't write a 1.0 in this exam" and he was right - I simply SAW the solution VISUALLY. Stories like these have accompanied my special visual talent throughout my life, to this day....

I love drawing the colourful strategy solution picture on a flipchart in the morning with 20 colourful Neuland BigOne pens, which I suddenly SEE in myself when I wake up: For example, at the Outlook strategy workshop for the Swiss company SwissStop - incredulous amazement is always pre-programmed...

3 months VISUAL STRATEGY COACHING for the wonderful Swiss company SwissStop, part of the French Borflex Group - pictured here with my new bike & the very energetic Christian Heule, one of the best mountain bikers in the world for over 10 years.

My curious child's eye in combination with my nondual state of being provide companies with valuable suggestions for optimising their
STRATEGIC Marketing & Sales MIX:

How can I visually picture your inborn talent?
It's simple: I wake up every morning embedded in a nondual visual image of my external environment. There is no time inside me, I feel connected to everything supposedly outside and there is no stress, no problems and also no worries. This changing image accompanies me through the day in my background. All the verbal words I hear flow directly into me visually. My visual strategic inspirations result from this flowing visual image within me. According to Bateson & Piaget, this non-dual state of life is quite normal for children; until shortly before the age of 8, it is their daily experienced, connected reality of life. Only then does adult dual thinking take shape, which then develops in our circle of life according to Bateson & Piaget first further and further away from our SELF, in order to then - sometimes sooner, sometimes later, often suddenly - but at the latest shortly before the end of our lives, flows back into nonduality. For a deeper insight, I also recommend the book "FREEDOM from the KNOWN" by Jiddu Krishnamurti. It was probably therefore no wonder that my beloved mother was a primary school teacher all her life. A Zen master friend once very wisely told me: "I learn every day from my six-year-old daughter"
=> Take a MINDFUL look at the best movies of all time and think carefully about WHY some of the best of 1000 films take the inspiring nondual visual view of children under 8 years of age, Link HERE!🤸💫
My Passionate Teaching

My biggest passionate hobby is teaching to always very positively inspiring young master students, mostly part-time young managers. I have 4 international teaching assignments in two part-time Master's programmes for managers at the German FAU University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on "Personal Selling - Career & Life Strategies for the Brand I" and in the Master for Design & Product Management at the Austrian FHS Salzburg University of Applied Sciences on "Advanced Marketing & Sales - Career & Life Strategies for the Brand I" and on "Neuro-Marketing & Neuro-Sales - Inspirations BEYOND the duality of thinking to enable FLOW."

Joy of life in the here & now BEYOND stress, problems & worries - the topic of my monthly online session at the Swiss Open Mind Academy, Link here

Do you speak German? At the Swiss Open Mind Academy I'm holding monthly Zoom meetings in small groups on the topic "From the I to the SELF🤸 - VISUAL Inspirations BEYOND Stress, Problems & Worries to your creative FLOW in the HERE & NOW🤸‍♂️💫". Dates until 2025: Link here

"From a very small insight into my situation, Hans drew an amazingly accurate picture of what makes me tick at the moment. With his personal evaluation afterwards, he not only gave me the continuation of the picture, but also a powerful tool that I had not heard of before. Very impressive support in the process of my own development."
Gisela, February 2023
"Hans and I never met in a worldly way. He knew nothing about me at all. I sent him my question as a voice message. Two messages came back from him, in figurative language and drawn from an immeasurable vastness - simply wonderful. I sent a very general question and did not expect any "life help". His words on the voice message opened floodgates and gateways in me, so that later in everyday life I could suddenly receive great messages within myself. I thank Hans from the bottom of my heart!"
Aline, January 2023

You can always reach me by PHONE: 📞 +34 620 611 130 DAILY 13.30-14.00 CET incl. weekends. As a combination of auditory and visual input is ideal for my special gift of VISUAL THINKING(👉Link), I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom every Friday: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment: Every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I very much look forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

My part-time assistant Asunción Esperanza organises my VISUAL Online Coaching Sessions via Zoom in English, German, Spanish and French, which can be booked at any time between 5.00 a.m. CET (Asia) and 10.00 p.m. CET (USA) - globally client-centred and 100% value-added oriented without any risk, as my fee as your VISUAL Strategy Coach depends solely on your complete client satisfaction.
👉 Link Time Difference Calculator

LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan

You would like to SUPPORT my free VISUAL COACHING inspirations once: 👉 Donation link
  • DONATIONS support in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
  • Why donate? My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link