Visual Turnaround Coaching BEYOND Duality & Time⌛️💫

Visual Turnaround Coaching BEYOND Duality & Time⌛️💫
Visual Strategy Coaching & Turnaround Executive Coaching for the company SwissStop
"My VISUAL life experience BEYOND DUAL SEPARATION in the HERE & NOW is a decisive advantage in my coaching. With the inspiration of my visual talent we will find the solution to your "supposedly“ unsolvable strategic challenge."
Hans, ☀Sevilla💃 2024

📞: +49 173 4970500 daily from 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. CET incl. Saturday & Sunday
👉Here we can get to know each other online every month for free: Link

From time to time, even your extraordinary turnaround skills hit a wall. Why? 

  • Because the REALITY you want to reshape only "supposedly" has 3 dimensions (>11 Dimensionen), 
  • you are only "supposedly" separated from it (Uncertainty principle)
  • and also because TIME only "supposedly" runs on a linear timeline from your birth to your "supposed" death (Theory of relativity). 

My SELF experiences life visually in the here & now and has been thinking in a CONNECTING way beyond the "supposedly" separating duality since my childhood - that is also the reason why I am not afraid of death: Link

- that is my talent and also my greatest passion.

My true SELF is a place connected to everything, which I always perceive at the level of my solar plexus. From this point, I also view the changeable facets of your complex strategic challenges from a visual meta-perspective - just as the samurai Miyamoto Musashi describes the success factor of his "meta-perspective" in his classic guide to strategic action "THE BOOK OF THE FIVE RINGS".


We only need ONE HOUR of your very precious lifetime:

  • In the first 30 minutes that we spend online via Zoom, the first solution-orientated facets are interactively designed.
  • Since my childhood I have received inspiring VISUAL SOLUTIONS for highly complex challenges from my "QUANTUM BODY", especially overnight these images continue to develop (Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life (Hardcover) | Harvard Book Store). My nondual visual talent finds the solution to your dual-causally unsolvable challenge through an uninterrupted artistic "HYPERFOCUS" process. This creative process is, as with artists, purely SEQUENTIAL: just as a painter can only cover a new blank canvas with colour once he has completed his current work, so my creative-connected SELF in the background can only devote itself exclusively to ONE visual solution process at a time.
  • One to two days later, we adapt this visual solution to your strategic design space in our final 30-minute interactive process via Zoom.

Interested? 📞: +49 173 4970500 daily including Saturday & Sunday 13.30-14.00 CET or spontaneously every Friday 13.30-14.00 via Zoom without prior notice:  Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

IMPORTANT‼️: My visual talent for strategic insights beyond duality and time is exclusively in the service of strategic projects aimed at creating fulfilling workplaces. Why? Because children grow up safely and securely under their "family income roof" and can therefore play in the playground largely carefree - that was the most important foundation stone for my own completely fulfilled life in my own childhood 🤸‍♂️💫
Michael Bachmann, Partner Witena Executive Search & Leadership Advisory, Witena AG, CH-Zürich 2019
Pricing & Contact
"Hans, you should make your pricing success-dependent: Thanks to your tip to renegotiate ALL critical sales prices for OEMs with high power asymmetry during our last turnaround coaching, I saved CHF 1.5 million at my critical SMEs (automotive suppliers) in just 2 months."
Andreas Mitterdorfer, then CEO of Swiss Polygena Holding, my turnaround coaching at Nozag, ROSTA, JESA, PWB & Compounds, 12/2013-9/2015

My hourly rate as your VISUAL Strategy & Turnaround Leadership Coach is 900€ (including preparation and follow-up). I receive 1/3 from you in advance to cover the costs. 2/3 are variable and value-added orientated, depending solely on your complete customer satisfaction (0-100%).

I only charge you 2 working hours for the visual solution process described above, although my visual talent is dedicated to your task non-stop in an artistic-creative hyperfocus process in the background between our Zoom sessions.

You can reach me daily incl. Saturday & Sunday by TELEPHONE from 13:30-14:00 CET. As a combination of auditory and visual input is ideal for my special gift of VISUAL thinking, I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom every Friday: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment: Every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I very much look forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla

📞: +49 173 4970500 daily from 1.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. CET incl. Saturday & Sunday.
If, exceptionally, you cannot reach me, you can certainly reach me the next day. Thank you🍀

LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan

Of course, my visual talent is happy when I can fully focus on "HEARING, SEEING visual solutions and SPEAKING from those visual images". When new clients book me on your proactive referral, I share my earnings from that coaching engagement with you on a 50/50 basis as a thank you for taking on my acquisition. For you as an empathetic, proactive referrer, this is a unique offer: If you successfully recommend me to two new clients after a very satisfying coaching process for you, your own coaching process could be cost-neutral in retrospect.
Become my referral partner🤝❣️

Get to know my SELF for free
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