Visual Coaching BEYOND the I to your SELF: The 1200 year old method “The Secret of the Golden Flower”🪷by C.G. Jung💫
The liberatingly light feeling of timeless FLOW during passionate hobbies, sporting borderline experiences or even sex is achievable every day with this 1200-year-old method and can be maintained in the background of your everyday life. Curious?

The secret of my own deeply fulfilling life in my own words:
🪷Would you like to experience immortality directly within your true SELF?
Then come to our monthly Zoom meeting: 👉Link. In our introductory exercise together, EVERYparticipant comes into direct contact with the immortal SELF within themselves, REALLY😇💫 - my coachees often have this very touching experience for the first time in their lives. Afterwards, I answer all your questions about unfailingly achieving sustainable life satisfaction that is completely independent of your external circumstances and the actions of other people. This is all based on a 1200 year old inner enlightenment method which, in his own words, infallibly leads to this "inner success" and was first published in German in 1929 by the then greatest Swiss expert on the connection between mind and soul, the larger-than-life founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung - however, in my humble opinion, C.G. Jung himself did not really penetrate this divine method during his lifetime...
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul"
Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 10, 28
This was my first direct This was my first direct SELF-experience beyond duality & time at the "supposed" end of my life at just 11 years old in 1977🙏💫
❣️“Only your intuition and sympathetic insight BEYOND your abstract thinking mind can enter into the flow of reality”❣️:
Henri Bergson, Nobel Prize 1927
Why is our true SELF, our SOUL as part of the world-soul, IMMORTAL BEYOND duality and time immortal? How to explain my daily VISUAL SELF-experience BEYOND supposedly separating duality and time?:
Dr. Chopra is the author of over 90 books (👉Links: Metahuman & Quantum Body) translated into over forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “one of their top 100 most influential people.”
Would you like to find out more about the immortality of your soul, your true SELF?
Then I recommend that you read a few selected works of wisdom from the last 4000 years, including what I consider to be the best translator: I Ging by Richard Wilhelm, Autobiographie eines Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda (👉Link), Credo by David Steindl-Rast, Dao De Jing by Robert Lowenstein, Die Upanischaden, The Bhagavad Gita & The Dhammapada by Eknath Easwaran, Das Yogasutra by Patanjali, At the Eleventh Hour, The Secret of the Yoga Sutra & The Practice of Yoga Sutra by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel, Shinjinmei by Taisen Deshimaru, The Complete Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Robert Thurman, Taoism by Eva Wong, The Holy Science by Swami Sri Yukteswar,…
The Secret of the Golden Flower🪷💫
According to the publishers of the translated German first edition of 1929, Richard Wilhelm & C.G. Jung, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" is a validated method for inner enlightenment that leads infallibly to success - I can confirm this statement from my own experience in exactly the same way:
This 1200 year old, profoundly wise SELF-discovery and SELF-anchoring method from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD.) was first translated into German in 1929 by Richard Wilhem & C.G. Jung under the name "Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte". Only 2 years later, in 1931, "The Secret of the Golden Flower" was published in English. My SELF first came into contact with this method when I came across the Spanish edition of "El Secreto de la Flor del Oro" during my year of study in Sevilla (Andalusia, Spain). Today, this method is an irreplaceable part of my BEING and always accompanies the daily experience of my wonderful life in the background. How is this possible?
In contrast to conventional meditation techniques, you can practise this method lying down 🛌💫 - with increasing practice after 3-12 months, this meditative state even remains permanently in the background of your everyday life.
It is therefore particularly suitable for Westerners who find conventional sitting meditation with crossed legs difficult. It is best for advanced practitioners to combine this circular breathing & essence light contemplation method with QiGong (focus: balance of body & mind) and effective mindfulness techniques (focus: own truthfulness & presence). It is possible from my own experience to…
Make yourself highly independent of external circumstances and the actions of other people within 3-12 months.
VISUAL Coaching BEYOND the fading I to your immortal SELF - Summary of “The Secret of the Golden Flower” method📖🪷💫
This backward-flowing method of meditative breathing and inner light energy circulation has an additional effect that occurs relatively quickly and impresses my coachees greatly: their own body feels increasingly powerful and energised, as the valuable prana energy no longer flows outwards, but charges the body via the energy circulation like a rechargeable battery (👉 Link). Applied over the long term, this leads to a "rejuvenation" of the body, as the 1200-year-old text says.
It is precisely this effect that I have been able to experience on my own body over the last ten years through self-coaching with this method: On the left you see me in 2015 after two of my biggest blows of fate: My relationship fell apart and I could no longer live with my beloved daughter (8 at the time). At the same time, my beloved father fell terminally ill with pancreatic cancer and died within a few months after I was allowed to accompany him as he died in the palliative care unit. On the right you see me 4 years later (2019) and 8 years later (2023) - very probably also the effect of my…
Energetic Self-Coaching BEYOND Time⏰
…thanks to the daily application and perfect penetration of the divinely regenerating method "The Secret of the Golden Flower". It is precisely from this experienced SELF-realisation that I pass on this valuable method to my coachees - parallel to the strategic improvement of their sometimes unbearable life circumstances.

The exciting side effect of this "reverse flow breathing" method is that it also allows you to control your own arousal during sex.
This can significantly prolong the sexual act, similar to tantric sex or sexual yoga. The circulating light energy not only feels exactly the same as sexual energy, it is exactly the same life-giving Prana Energy. We can either let this valuable energy flow outwards or we can breathe it back in through the spine and thereby recharge ourselves energetically 👉YouTube video:
👉 Do you have a question about this divine method?
EVERY Friday I will answer your question via Zoom in English, German, Spanish or French: During this scheduled VISUAL CONTACT TIME via Zoom you can meet me visually at any time without an appointment: EVERY Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET. I am very much looking forward to meeting & inspiring you here: Zoom Meeting ID: 286 632 4328, Passcode: Sevilla
Sympathize with your TRUE SELF:

In my own experience, after 2-3 months of intensive SELF-practice of this method while lying down, these experiences can be lived exactly as it is written in this 1200 year old text (see the Audible extracts below). "The Living Manner of the Circulation of the Light" is the real goal: When your daily practice has progressed this far, the light circulates as if by itself in the background of your daily activities, you increasingly feel a deep inner "Anchoring within your true SELF". This inwardly secure state of being makes your life satisfaction highly independent of your external life circumstances and potential conflicts with other people:
Does your I feel lonely?
Then embark on an inner search for your true SELF: since the 1600-year-old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the original text of modern YOGA, we have known that we are actually TWO within ourselves:
"Only from the realization of the difference between purusha (the true connected SELF) and citta (the dual-causal thinking, separate I) comes mastery over all feelings and perfect truth."
Yoga Sutras, 3-49
Inner Transformation Into Pure Light BEYOND Inner Darkness:
Inner Transformation BEYOND Separating Duality & Time:
Personal Experiences After Only 3 Months Of SELF-Practice:
The Secret of the Golden Flower
& C.G. Jung
The publisher of the first German edition of this divine method, the most famous Swiss expert on the human psyche, C.G. Jung, was so impressed by this 1200-year-old meditation method that he wrote down this essence in "The Secret of the Golden Flower", published in 1929:
The dual-causal incomprehensible nature of this divine method preoccupied the analytical-psychological thinker C.G. Jung throughout his life - right up to the self-chosen inscription on his grave: Appearing on the side borders of his tombstone is this passage:
“The first man is of the earth and is earthly, the second man is of heaven and is heavenly.”
"Primus homo de terra terrenus, Secundus homo de caelo caelestis"
1st Corinthians 15:47
For the upper and lower part of C.G. Jung's gravestone, „THE IMMORTAL SELF PART OF HIS I” beyond the earthly, larger-than-life, but ultimately mortal ego part of his I, has chosen this true sentence - in which C.G. Jung's lifelong dual-causal-analytical struggle for the truth finally culminated:
“Called or not called, the god will be there.”
"Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit“

taught me
“The Secret of the Golden Flower”
“She“ (photo below) is really 1200 years old and comes from the Tang dynasty in which "The Secret of the Golden Flower" originated. We met in 2015 in a very special antiques shop in Munich - "by chance?" at exactly the time of my two most severe strokes of fate... Before that, the antiques dealer told me, SHE had accompanied a German diplomat in China for a long time. Now we live together in Seville (Andalusia). Our "chance" encounter is a wonderful story of real life - almost as beautiful as “SHE”, the favourite book of my childhood.
Once a month “WE“ present this divine method and answer any questions that may arise in the first few years with this method here: 👉 Link

…and how you can FREE your SELF
A practical guide to self-enlightenment🪷💫
🗣️Spoken orally from my SELF in the Here&Now and then kindly optimised and converted into written words by the AI tool Deepl🙏
Related links
- 👉Visit my YouTube channel: My YouTube channel "Visual inspirations BEYOND duality and time"
- 👉Here you can get to know me every month free of charge & without obligation: "Ask my SELF": My monthly global Zoom for people in "supposedly" unsolvable life situations🤷♀️💫
- Coaching BEYOND suffering - from the separate I/ego to the connected self: Step-by-step coaching of the divine method "The Secret of the Golden Flower"📖🪷💫
- My monthly online seminar "From ego to SELF - Strategic inspirations BEYOND stress, problems and worries", Open Mind Academy, Switzerland
- My visual strategic talent BEYOND the duality of your strategic thinking
- Genuine coaching that takes you BEYOND your supposedly big “I“
- Development of a free and agile mind BEYOND painful attachments to problems and worries
- SELF-Assessment BEYOND the separating duality of your thoughts
- The source of creativity BEYOND our mind
Ask my SELF & get a VISUAL inspiration

You would like to SUPPORT my free VISUAL COACHING inspirations once: 👉 Donation link
- Why donate? Donations support in particular my career & life strategy coaching for young people with naturally very limited financial resources - in recent years I have coached over 350 such life strategies 👉 Link
- My gift as a contribution to realising the potential of our precious life: My visual gift is a completely automatic process beyond dual thinking. This means that the visual solution flows into me without my own conscious intervention - it is not "work" for me, I only act as a medium between the inexhaustible potential of the quantum field (see Harvard bestseller on this: 👉 Link) and the manifestation in the very limited section of reality that we can perceive with our rudimentary 5 human senses: 👉 Link
‼️FaceTime Contact‼️
In order to process information reliably, my visual talent has been DEPENDENT on the combination of visual and auditory INPUT in the HERE & NOW = FACETIME, WhatsApp video call or Zoom since my childhood. I only use emails and WhatsApp as OUTPUT channels.
☀️This direct way of daily communication is common here in Andalusia💃that's why I live here❣️
You can reach me almost DAILY incl. Saturday & Sunday without an appointment during my VISUAL & AUDITIVE AVAILABILITY TIME via FaceTime or WhatsApp video call: 13.30-14.00 CET📲+34620 611 130. If required, I will send you a Zoom link after your call.
I also offer a VISUAL CONTACT TIME VIA ZOOM almost every Friday from 13:30-14:00 CET: You can meet me visually at any time during this dispositive Zoom time without an appointment here: Zoom Meeting ID: 2866324328, Passcode: Sevilla
BOOKING: My VISUAL Online Coaching Sessions via Zoom in English🏴🇺🇸, German🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹, Spanish🇪🇸 and French🇫🇷 can be booked at any time between 5.00 a.m. CET (Asia) and 10.00 p.m. CET (USA) - globally client-centred and 100% value-added oriented without any risk: my fee as your VISUAL Coach depends ONLY on your complete client satisfaction (100%-0%).
👉 Link Time Difference Calculator
FaceTime: 📲+34620611130
LinkedIn: Hansjörg Stephan